Reporting unfair, unsafe, unhealthy working conditions or labour exploitation

Want to report underpayment, working too long, poor working conditions or illegal work?

You can report by telephone via telephone number 0800 5151. From abroad, you can call +31 70 333 56 78.

Other languages

The complaint form is also available in:

Reporting labour exploitation

Labour exploitation is a form of human trafficking. Force, violence, threats, extortion and/or deception often play a role in labour exploitation. For example, if people are forced to hand over their salary under threat or coercion. You can report cases of labour exploitation (anonymously) to the Netherlands Labour Authority via:

  • 0800 5151
  • +31 70 333 5678 (from abroad)

Acute danger to life?

Are you or is someone else in acute danger?  Call 112 (police).