The Inspectorate SZW has changed its name to the Netherlands Labour Authority
From 1 January 2022, the Inspectorate SZW (Inspectie SZW) has changed its name to “Netherlands Labour Authority” (Nederlandse Arbeidsinspectie).The new web address is: and In addition, all of the E-mail addresses of the Netherlands Labour Authority have changed as of 1 January 2022. The other contact details, such as the notification number are unchanged.
The establishment of the European Labour Authority in 2019 and the fact that the name Labour Authority/Arbeidsinspectie is more common and telling in practice, have led to the decision to change the name. Over the last few years, it was evident that employers used the term Labour Authority/Arbeidsinspectie more often and that to both employers and employees, this was clearer than the name Inspectorate SZW/Inspectie SZW. The new name also prevents any misunderstanding that the Inspectorate SZW, as is the case with a number of other Inspectorates, would have the duty of supervising parts of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid or SZW).
Both the Dutch and English name is abbreviated to NLA. The choice for NLA is also based on the establishment of the European Labour Authority (ELA). The new name of the national supervisory authority, the Netherlands Labour Authority (NLA) clearly shows both the connection as well as the difference.