European Labour Authority

International cooperation and cross-border inspection within the European Union (EU) is gaining in importance for the Netherlands Labour Authority. The Dutch Labour Authority is therefore working with other Member States and the European Labour Authority (ELA) to tackle labour market abuses. 

Launched in 2019, the ELA offers many new opportunities for EU-wide cooperation on fair work. The ELA, with its headquarters in the Slovak capital Bratislava, was established to support fair labour mobility and social security coordination within the EU.

The authority helps Member States monitor and enforce EU rules and rights concerning labour mobility. It also improves the access of workers and employers to information on their rights and obligations.

Among other things, the ELA facilitates joint inspections with logistical support and other forms of cooperation between Member States. The ELA also directs several EU-wide working groups, provides professional training and offers mediation and dispute resolution in cross-border situations.